Gates of Light Tarot

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Today is nine days, which is one week and two days of the Omer. Gevurah of Gevurah: the Five of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.

One day each week there is a day that the day’s Sephira and the week’s Sephira is the same—and today is one of those days with the Gevurah that is within Gevurah. Looking at the corresponding cards in the four suits, it would not be a surprise if you had the impression that they all show the negative face of this Sephira.

Among the qualities of this Sephira is the ability to set boundaries. The question is, are these boundaries an expression of severity and harshness (two other characteristics of Gevurah) or are these boundaries an expression of inner strength and discernment (another two characteristics of this energy)?

Right now we’re all be asked to maintain a very specific boundary of at least 6 feel from other people in public. The whole world in fact is straining under this rule. For some it feels like punishment. Others, who only think of themselves rather than see themselves as interdependent, see this as an infringement of their rights. And there are those of us who are doing the best we can to live within this strict regimen of social distancing. There’s no question that it feels harsh and severe even if the underlying reason for it is one of love.

And it must be enforced, since there are those who will not follow this difficult path. Imagine a parent whose child is about to put a hand in an open flame. The parent will scoop up the child, or swat away the hand to protect it. The child will not understand this as protective, but as an imposition and will start crying and wailing. Today there are a lot of adult children who are crying and wailing. In some states they’re protesting outside the state capital, complaining that they’ve lost their right to worship together in a church, or to shop when and where they please. They lack another quality of Gevurah—the ability to restrain themselves. And there is no parent who will swoop in to protect them from themselves, and by extension, protects us from them.

I’d like to concentrate today on the image in the Five of Swords, since for me this is an image that captures the breakdown of social structures. In the distance we see two figures who are unarmed. We can assume they were in fact holding swords but for some reason they’ve dropped them and appear distracted and focused elsewhere. Meanwhile a figure in the foreground is busily picking up the swords—this figure seems to have a smirk. The others have left themselves undefended. They’ve let their guard, their boundaries, down. And this puts them in danger that they don’t see. This could easily be a society that has abandoned the rule of law, so that those who would take advantage of others face no consequences.

I feel like this is the situation we’re living through. Those whose responsibility it is to maintain the social structure by defending boundaries at a national level have abandoned that responsibility. Which is why the United States has more cases than any other country in the world. Well, USA USA number 1 as they say.

But what have I learned about myself in this situation on this, the 9th day? I have the inner Strength to live with these Boundaries. I also chafe at these Boundaries, even when I know they’re for my benefit.

I am filled with Harsh Judgment and Criticism of those I see as not acting with concern for others. And while I believe these people deserve Judgment, it is the Harshness within me that is unbalanced and that needs looking at.

How can I connect with the Strength of Gevurah, and have the Discernment to not fall into Harsh Judgment of others? How can I give Structure to my days and not fall prey to my resistance to Discipline and staying Organized?

What questions arise for you today?